Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Season 59

Pyt is now in her 59th season and under assignment by some of the residents of the Plaguelands to research and rectify wrongdoings on behalf of the Redpath family.

In other news, Pyt has also dropped her skinning tradeskill and started back with enchanting. Her enchanting skill is only 50 now, but should progress rapidly once sufficient energy can be devoted to it.

Over the weekend, Pyt was able to go on a successful run into the Upper Blackrock Spire and a semi-success run through Scholomance. She is beginning to enjoy the group adventures again.

Pyt is also the proud new owner of a Mooncloth Robe that she tailored herself. Plans are also afoot to make some Runecloth Shoulders for herself and for Tyrassa.

More updates as conditions warrant.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Welcome Sargol

Sargol is a young warrior, just starting out on his own. He briefly met Lyrelle.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Welcome Lyrelle

A young mage has just now ventured out on her own, and her name is Lyrelle. What adventures await her!