Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Season 25

It has been a while since my last update, and several things have been going on. I have been slammed at work, so it's hard to update this blog while working and playing and taking care of all the things life throws at me.

The Group has pretty much finished the Redridge area except for the elite quests. Lately they have been questing in The Wetlands. Pyt is now in Season 25, while Pytheas and Tyrassa are in Season 27.

On Saturday, The Group tried a run through The Deadmines. They were all about 2 seasons younger at the time. The Fearless Three were adventuring with Cira (a good friend Warlock) and some Paladin they had picked up just outside the mine. It all went very smoothly until they got to the top of the ship. The patrol was engaged... it was a fierce battle. Then IT happened.

Power loss. First, DaftApeth's PC went into hybernate mode (he is Pytheas' handler). Then the DSL modem or the router or a switch went out... leaving Cira and the Paladin alone with three very angry high-level sailors.

Cira actually survived, but apparently that was insufficient - The Deadmines reset and all was lost.

It will not be long before The Group attempts The Deadmines again... but not today. Not today.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Season 19

Pyt and Pytheas struggled in vain to coordinate their activities in recovering Bingles' tools from the Stonesplinter Islands, and both were frustrated. Ultimately, both were able to recover the tools, but they worked separately to accomplish this task.

Afterward, Pyt wandered through the Loch Modan wilderness alone, dispatching several crocolisks, bears, trogs, and flying beasties.

One encounter was particularly vexing. Pyt discovered the Mo'Grosh Stronghold and startled one of the Elite Mo'Grosh Guards patrolling the area. After a few moments of staggering under the brute's blows, Pyt realized that she was overmatched and fled, vowing to return with a few friends.

Afterward, Pyt took shelter in the nearby Fastrider Lodge. After fulfilling a quest for Daryl the Youngling and slaying a few more of the foul and unclean creatures of the area, Pyt attained her 19th season before retiring for the night.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

On to Loch Modan

After returning to Westfall, Pyt and her merry band of companions caused a sever reduction in the unrest, slaying hordes of brigands and cutthroats. Only one item remains; the destruction of the Defias kingpin. This quest is such a monumental one that it must wait for another day.

After taking care of a few training tasks and selling some Leather at the Auction House, the band of three travelled to Loch Modan, where they earned the respect of the dwarven king by slaying dozens of Stonesplinter Trogs and providing some much-needed message delivery and supply delivery services.

The group has also been tasked by a gnome by the name of Bingles to retrieve some of his missing tools. Unfortunately, these tools are located on a island that is swarming with a particularly vicious breed of Trogs. So far, the bad has only been able to retrieve one of the four tools. Perhaps some friends will assist them in this endeavor.

Friday, January 07, 2005

From Westfall to Loch Modan

Pyt awakened in Stormwind city to the sounds of birds chirping and children playing. Such a peaceful beginning to a day that would later be filled with the screams and cries of Goretusks, Murlocs, and Rat Kobolds.

After travelling to Westfall and a rendezvous with Tyrassa, the Mage-Priest team dispatched a dozen Murlocs before breakfast, with only a single team fatality on the part of Tyrassa. Tyrassa has been on sabbatical as of late and is only in her twelvth season, and is not as resistant to the rigors of life in the wild.

Tyrassa gathered a few more quests as the day progressed. Pytheas returned from Blacksmithing to join us in destroying several pieces of wayward harvesting machinery, as requested by their former owner. It was not long before Pyt was able to enter her fifteenth season.

Pyt responded to a summons from the Mage trainers in Stormwind, returning to the Mage Quarter to quell an uprising among the spirits in a bar called the Blue Recluse. With this task accomplished, Pyt was tasked to Loch Modan to retrieve some Charged Rift Gems. The journey was largely uneventful and ended with a brief reconnoiter of the Silver Stream Mine. After dispatching a dozen Rat Kobolds, Pyt recognized that this task would be a bit too daunting without some assistance. Returning to the inn at Thelsamar, Pyt sent a request for help in the form of a letter to Pytheas before bedding down for the night.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

UI Tweaks: QuestMinion

I am fairly happy with the status of most of my UI Tweaks. There is one in particular that I like that is unfortunately misbehaving.

QuestMinion is a very handy tool that I have been using with some success, but last night it started throwing errors whenever I received a new quest. My love for this mod and my level of frustration caused me to download documentation and IDE for Lua so that I can debug and rewrite the mod until it behaves properly.

Fourteen and Ninety

As a result of a significant amount of destruction of members of the Defias Brotherhood and malfunctioning harvesters, Pyt has entered her 14th season and gained some significant destructive abilities. Pytheas provided a large amount of linen cloth, which enabled Pyt to perform enough Tailoring tasks to reach a skill ranking of 90.

On the Wool front, there is still a very frustrating shortage. Hopefully this will be remedied shortly by an exploration into the southerly portion of Westfall, wherein reside large numbers of Defias Brotherhood members thoughtful enough to carry wool with them at all times.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

UI Tweaks

I've done a fairly major overhaul to my UI, bringing in dozens of AddOns with the goal being a more streamlined and functional game experience. So far I have had positive but limited success, which I hope to build on later tonight.

Here are the AddOns I have either deployed or will be deploying later.

Account Login
Action Bar Drag
All-In-One Inventory
Auto Bar
Auto Mail Subject
Auto Potion
Bag Sort
Bank Statement
Buff Timers
Clear Mail
Damage Watch
Flex Bar
Free Bag Slots
Health Watch
Item Buff
Look For
Loot Link
Map Notes
Map Notes Gathering
Mob Health
Movable Bags
Pop Group
Quest History
Quest Link
Quest Minion
Quick Loot
Reagent Helper
Self Cast
Tell Target
Zoom Map

Whew! That's a lot!

I will later post a screenshot of my new UI, once I get everything just so.

Thirteen and Eighty

Pyt has been piddling around a bit in Elwynn Forest, finishing off some nagging quests and trying to collect a decent amount of wool. It's not easy, let me tell you.

A couple of hours were invested all told, and Pyt is happy to announce that she has reached season 13 and has a skill of 80 in Tailoring, which means she will be able to make 8-slot bags! The only problem is getting enough wool, as it takes nine (9!) wool to make one bag. There are three members in the party, so that means (9 wool x 3 members x 4 bags) 108 wool must be gathered in order to make 8-slot bags for everyone.

On the plus side, Pyt should gain 12 skill points in Tailoring in the process.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Season 12

Pyt is now in season 12, having spent a little time running around performing odd jobs for various VIPs. Her tailoring skill is nearly up to 80 as well, due to spending a significant amount of coin in the purchase of Linen Cloth from a passing stranger. The quality was good, however, and much sewing was done.

Now if you'll excuse me, I must go and tweak my UI.

Monday, January 03, 2005

More members

We have now successfully recruited Orpheus Sail into our little merry band of adventurers. I have extended an invitation to him to blog.

As our newest member is a complete newbie to MMORPGs, we have started afresh with characters in the hopes of having a balanced party. Those members are:

Pytheas, Male Human Warrior
Tyrassa, Female Night Elf Priest
Pyt, Female Human Mage

Each of us are now level 11, although I think I should probably say Season 11, since this is apparently the RPC (Role-play correct) term.

We tried running the Hogger quest last night but were slaughtered due to some bad judgements by us and by other players in the area. No doubt we shall try again tonight.