Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Season 19

Pyt and Pytheas struggled in vain to coordinate their activities in recovering Bingles' tools from the Stonesplinter Islands, and both were frustrated. Ultimately, both were able to recover the tools, but they worked separately to accomplish this task.

Afterward, Pyt wandered through the Loch Modan wilderness alone, dispatching several crocolisks, bears, trogs, and flying beasties.

One encounter was particularly vexing. Pyt discovered the Mo'Grosh Stronghold and startled one of the Elite Mo'Grosh Guards patrolling the area. After a few moments of staggering under the brute's blows, Pyt realized that she was overmatched and fled, vowing to return with a few friends.

Afterward, Pyt took shelter in the nearby Fastrider Lodge. After fulfilling a quest for Daryl the Youngling and slaying a few more of the foul and unclean creatures of the area, Pyt attained her 19th season before retiring for the night.

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