Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Adventuring out on her own, Pyt crossed Thoradin's Wall and journeyed forth into the Hillsbrad Foothills. After acquainting herself with some of the topography of the region, Pyt visited Southshore to deliver a message entrusted to her. Soon many of the residents were clamoring for her to perform more of the chores they had neglected. In the process of clearing the Western Strand of some wayward murlocs, Pyt reached her 34th season.

The village was soon visited by a raid from the Horde encampments to the north. Pyt did not enjoin battle, as the attackers were many and fierce, and extremely well seasoned.

Pyt then travelled north to the Dalaran Ruins, to behold a dome of great wonder. She then turned back, however, summoned to the Arathi Highlands by Pytheas. The Northfold Manor had again been overrun with bandits who were lacking in manners and were very ill-tempered to boot.

After completing this task, Pyt returned to the great halls of Ironforge for some rest and much-needed mage training. Taken quite aback at the price of the training, Pyt reluctantly handed her gold over to Bink (the gnome mage trainer) before heading to the Auction House in an attempt to reclaim some of her lost fortune.

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